Medical massage is outcome-based massage, primarily the application of a specific treatment targeted to the specific problem the patient presents with a diagnosis and are administered after a thorough assessment/evaluation by the medical massage therapist with specific outcomes being the basis for treatment..
Experience a skin treatment that uses an exfoliating blade to skim dead skin cells and hair from your face. Our professional staff will transform your skin surface smooth, youthful and radiant.
Raindrop/aromatherapy massage
Raindrop Therapy uses a sequence of nine essential oils that have been clinically tested to have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. These essential oils are massaged into the bottoms of the feet then later dropped gently on the spine and lightly massaged in using various techniques.
Medical massage
The therapist may use various techniques during your treatment session. Depending on their training, they may incorporate deep-tissue massage, myofascial release, trigger point work, various movement therapies or passive-resistive stretching techniques.